- Jonathan Milligan
- Rebecca Livermore
- I will be the same next year except for the people I meet and the books I read.
- Big doors swing on little hinges.
- Anywhere you want to go is through a bridge of relationships
Personal Growth
- There is no business growth without personal growth.
- Once you fix the personal problem, the business problem will go away.
- It’s our behavior that’s producing our results.
- Win the internal game of leadership & sales.
Leading a Team
- Execution trumps strategy.
- Leadership is getting results through people.
- You have whatever you create or whatever you allow.
- The culture you create generates the results you enjoy.
- Top 3 things team members need: Appreciation, Help with personal problems, Feeling in on things.
- Continuous learning is the answer to change.
Ask yourself:
How can you show appreciation?
Who can you help feel in on things?
Who can you help with a personal problem?