1 Way To Take Ideas to Action

Keith FerrazziFrom Ideas to Action

I’ve become a fan of the Chris Brogan 3 Book Diet.  Even though he’s not following through with it, I’m taking some of his advice!  I’m going to work on implementing what I’m reading.  Information is not my problem, but it’s taking action.  Do you have the same issue?

Instead of buying another book this month I went back to my book shelf and dove into something I’ve already read.  Maybe instead of buying another book you might already have answers in your bookcase.  This week I grabbed Keith Ferrazzi’s book, Who’s Got Your Back and re-read it.  I can’t believe the great stuff I underlined that I am still not applying!  What are the top books you read last year?  You might need to pull them back out and read through the underlined parts!

2 Ideas I’m applying

Exceptional achievement in life is a peer to peer collaborative process

One of my goals this year is to expand my team and this includes partnering with peers on projects. I don’t have all the ideas or answers. I’ve got great peers and I should be leveraging their knowledge.  Who do you need to collaborate with?

Getting good feedback from others helps us become more aware of what we’re doing well and where we’re not.

I’m developing a weekly habit of asking for feedback.  You have not, because you ask not.  Biology Professor, Cindy Smith from George Mason University and I are collaborating on an article for a national publication.  I gave her the first draft of the article this week and she gave me her feedback!  In times past I would have gotten defensive, but I stayed out of the The Drama Triangle and received tremendous value from her input.  Who is giving you feedback?

Intention Takes Ideas to Action

It takes intentionality to take ideas to action.  If you’re like me, it’s not an information problem but an action problem.  To take an idea to action you’ve got to keep it before you.  You probably have a bookshelf of ideas so grab an “old” book and put a new idea into action!

What book do you need to re-read?


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