Leading an organization can be challenging. Business is basically people doing transactions so the issues you face are rooted in people. Good news, many CEO’s have the same challenges. Sometimes just knowing you’re not alone, helps. I spent today with Sean McClain at Clearcut in Louisville , KY. and we explored some of the common hurdles leaders need to overcome.
The absence of trust within a team stems from an unwillingness to be vulnerable with each other. When people are not open with one another it’s almost impossible to build a foundation of trust. This is at the heart of building a team. When there is an absence of trust, people conceal their weaknesses and fail to recognize the skills and experiences of others. What can you do to build trust with your team?
While many CEO’s are content with being a boss, great CEO’s learn to be leaders. A boss depends on authority and position to drive people, but a leader goes after a team member’s heart. Once you get someone’s heart, it’s easy to ask for their hand. Good news is, coaching is a skill you can develop. It’s the reason, my course Coaching Skills For Leaders is so popular. What can you do to better coach your team?
The reality is, people will let you down. You don’t plan for it, but everyone is human. The key here is to continually communicate your expectations so that objectives are clear to everyone. I’ve discovered that 90 percent of poor performance is rooted in unclear expectations. How many times has someone said to you, “Oh, that’s what you mean?” The bigger the gap between reality and expectation determines your frustration level. What can you do to bridge the gap between reality and expectation?
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