
Episode 009 – The 3 Myths of Leadership – Podcast

  • Most leadership occurs from the middle of the organization.
  • There is a difference between management and leadership.
  • Management is more about compliance.
  • Leadership is more about influence.
  • Leadership is an art.
  • If you can increase your influence, you can increase your leadership.


leadership myths

The 3 Myths of Leadership

If I’m not at the top I can’t lead

  • Build relationships with people so you lead naturally.
  • Influence comes from relationship.
  • You earn the right to lead.
  • The only proof of leadership is follower-ship.
  • Leadership is a choice not a position.

When I get to the top, then I’ll be the leader

  • Developing leadership is a lifelong process.
  • When opportunity comes, it’s way too late to prepare.
  • What are you doing to prepare?
  • What’s your leadership learning plan?
  • The greatest power is the power to become, you don’t have to stay the same.

When I get to the top, then there are no limits

  • Leadership is not a ticket to freedom.
  • The best leaders are the best servants.
  • As you move up, your responsibilities increases.
  • Your decisions have greater impact.


The price of greatness is the acceptance of responsibility

-Winston Churchill

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