
The Biggest Opportunities are Found in the Smallest Things

As we are getting our feet wet in 2023 and figuring out just what these twelve months might hold, we were reminded by some of our Leadership Roundtable participants of four key things you can start doing now to transform your year.

 1. At every level–whether you are just starting out or sunsetting your career–there will always be constraints, challenges, and roadblocks.

Sometimes you just have to “pick your hard” and tackle one thing at a time. What will be your hard in Q1?

 2. Chaos is the result of having “shoulds” without commitments.

If you decide you “should” do something, you better commit to it. And if you realize you can’t, let it go. You will find freedom and less stress once you tell yourself the truth. What can you un-commit to this month?

 3. Know what your superpower is and what your kryptonite is. 

What are you uniquely good at? What do you do terribly? It is okay to identify that something you do is not a strength–you can find someone to do that work.

 4. We all have a threshold for happiness and once we cross it, we tend to subconsciously bring ourselves down. 

Stop upper limiting yourself. Instead, address the core root of fear (likely rooted in a false story you are telling yourself) keeping you from believing you deserve it. 

What opportunity will you take this week? This month? This year? 

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