How Time Blocking Increases Productivity

Time BlockingWhen You Don’t Have Clarity, You’re Out of Control

Last week I worked from my home office and to be completely transparent, I felt totally out of control.  I can typically feel this way when I travel and there are good reasons, Lack of rhythm, different surroundings, etc… But there wasn’t a good reason why I felt this way while I was at home.  I think it explains the reason why I was a little frustrated by Friday.  I felt out of control and unproductive.  Feeling out of control, has it ever happened to you?

Journaling Helped Me Gain Clarity

This morning on my flight I had some quiet time to journal and reflect on what actually happened last week.  Journalling helps me organize my thoughts and gain clarity.  Words tend to muddle in my head and it produces chaos.  Journalling is an effective exercise to gain clarity and eliminate mental chaos.  If you need focus, then begin the journalling habit.

The Simple Exercise to Achieve Clarity

About 10 minutes in the journalling exercise, I realized, I didn’t time block at all last week.  I guess distractions got the best of me and I forgot this crucial time management technique.  After the light bulb went off, I felt an immediate burst of energy and this is what I did:

  1. I opened my iPhone and scheduled all my appointments for the week
  2. I opened my To-Do List and scheduled time for my tasks

It took me about 10 minutes and produced an immense sense of peace.  I felt I had re-gained control of my life!  Most people will schedule their appointments, but few schedule their tasks, i.e. 10am-11am write my blog.  Putting a time frame to a task increases the chances of completion and helps regain your focus.

How can you utilize time blocking to increase productivity?

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