How To Accomplish More With Your Team

AccountabilityPeople Do What’s Inspected Not What’s Expected

You should not only just expect greatness from those around you, but also develop a process for inspecting that achievement.  Organizations and people that don’t have an inspection system don’t have high levels of execution.  Inspection is the power of accountability.  I know that I tend to do what others hold me accountable for.  You actually help people by providing them accountability.  Many times when tasks are hard we tend to back away from them.  Knowing I’ve got someone inspecting me, helps spur me on to make the right choices.  Don’t mistake this for micro managing.  I’m talking about an accountability system for encouraging the right behavior.

Inspection Provides Accountability

In order for behavior to change it takes some form of accountability.  I can break down all issues in an organization to behavioral problems.  I’ve dealt with a business owner that was having trouble making payroll yet had over five times that amount in his accounts receivable waiting to be collected.  For him this is not a collections problem but an unwillingness to confront people and his business is suffering.  Behavioral problems manifest themselves in business problems.  Every business problem has a personal problem at its root.  Results are determined by our actions.  If I want different results I need different behaviors.  If you can solve your behavioral problem many times the business issue disappears.

Accountability Facilitates Change

Behavioral change takes intentionality and an inspect system helps provide that.  The greatest changes in my life are when I’ve had someone inspect that which I’ve promised to accomplish.  It’s a powerful motivator.  Inspection is not to be demanded and used as a manipulation tool but it provides a framework for conversation regarding performance.  An inspection process is simply a support system for execution.

Follow-up Makes Change Last

When you have an inspection system then you’re truly delegating.  When most leaders tell me they delegate it’s simply dumping.  Delegating demands inspection but when we dump we simply turn it over to people and never review it again, until there is a problem.  This is a leadership problem not am employee problem.  Dumping on people without an inspection process helps them fail.  Giving someone an assignment and hoping it will get done is not a good strategy.  If a project fails and you never inspected it, then you have to share some of the blame for its failure.  Following-up is a key attribute of a great leaders

How can you increase your follow-up?



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