How You Can Beat Procrastination

procrastinationWhat Stops You From Succeeding?

I think this is something that plagues all of us.  Because of procrastination plans go astray, dreams go unfulfilled and time is wasted.   One of my biggest challenges is putting things off until the last moment.  There are things that are unpleasant for me that I simply must do!  How about you, are there things you need to do but just aren’t doing?  Do you put off the hard things?

If You Can Beat Procrastination You Can Succeed

Learning the difference between the urgent and important has helped me beat procrastination.  Think about it, procrastination is an emotional issue.  Typically putting things off that feel unpleasant is the root of the problem.  Asking myself the question, “What’s really important right now?” helps me prioritize my tasks so that the main thing stays the main thing!  For you to succeed you have to beat procrastination!

When Does Procrastination Occur?

Procrastination occurs when you do a low-priority action instead of a high-priority task.  It’s making that phone call to a friend when you should be working on your taxes.  It’s having that extra cup of coffee when you should be exercising.  If you’re honest, procrastination respects no one.  We’ve all been affected by it!

3 Causes of Procrastination

When you know the cause, the cure becomes easier to discover.  I’ve discovered that procrastination can be traced to 3 major causes:

  1. Things that are unpleasant
  2. Things that are difficult
  3. Things that involve tough decisions

What’s interesting is that these are the three items that contribute most to our success.  When I don’t want to do something, I putter around with little things.  I keep busy so that I have an excuse.  Have you ever done this?

One Preventive Action that Beats Procrastination

Changing your do-it-later into a do-it-now is what you need to do!  Don’t make an excuse or defend your procrastination.  Change the habit!  One of the most valuable things I’ve done when I’ve procrastinated is to admit it.  When I rationalize I can’t overcome it.  Only when you admit it and examine your situation can you begin to create a game plan to beat the habit!

In what area are you procrastinating and what are you going to do about it?

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