
Creating New Questions Can Change You!

Who Do You Spend Time With?

I spent last week in Boston with a bunch of international change agents from Living Word Missions!  We’ve been a part of this family for the last 17 years and every time I get around them I am challenged to give and do more!  Your growth and development is always accelerated when you get around people that spur you on.  This is so important to me, that I actually schedule my life around times when I can get with other achievers.

Your life is directed by the questions that you ask yourself.  When I was there this week I spent time to reflect on my life, and ask myself some new questions.  Here are some things that I am asking myself this week:

1.  What am I intentionally doing daily to get better?

2.  Am in invested my life in things that have forever in them?

3.  What can I do to be more of a blessing to people?

4.  What can I practically do to increase trust with people?

5.  What do I have (talents, abilities, gifts) that I can use to be a blessing?

Your life’s focus is determined by the questions you ask yourself.  Just simply by bringing these questions to the fore-front of my mind, I’ve been more concentrated on helping more people!

What questions do you need to ask yourself?