
Resource Hub

Support in your leadership development journey.

April 5, 2016
Reason and Result
Meetings can be unproductive and seem like a waste of time. When we apply reason and result, the...
March 28, 2016
Leaders need to ask the right questions.. instead of asking why, we should be focused on what and...
March 21, 2016
(GPS) Goals, Passion and Struggles
Everyone has their own set of motives. Once you’ve discovered their goals, passions and struggles (GPS)… then you...
March 14, 2016
Let's Talk About Motivation
  Motivation comes from motive. Watch this video to learn new techniques to get your team moving in...
March 3, 2016
Let's Talk About Culture
In this video, Dennis discusses key principles for creating a thriving culture.
September 26, 2015
How To Stay Out Of The Fog Of Drama
“Dennis, as a leader one of the greatest battles I fight every day, is the fight for clarity.”...
June 19, 2015
How To Take Control And Stop The Drama
Frustrated with situations & people not changing fast enough?   We’ve all been there.  We want results and quality...
April 21, 2015
What's Needed To Stop The Drama?
Be prepared and stop the drama “This is the most prepared we are have ever been moving into...
April 14, 2015
Your Leadership Garden
A garden’s goal is to produce. People don’t cultivate gardens and not expect a harvest.  That’s foolish.  It’s...
February 4, 2015
How To Tap Into People's Motivation
Emotion Drives Motion People bring the whole person to work. If an employee has personal problems, they will...
January 16, 2015
Episode 009 - The 3 Myths of Leadership - Podcast
Most leadership occurs from the middle of the organization. There is a difference between management and leadership. Management...
January 9, 2015
Who do you need to become in 2015?
Being vs Doing The beginning of the year is typically a big goal setting time. We dream about...
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