
Show Up Healthy So You Can Help Others

Show up healthy to help othersYou Always Grow From The Inside Out

For the past year I’ve had fun coaching the team at Performance QSA, which also happens to be where I work out when I’m home.  What I love about this group is our shared belief that changing physically demands that we first change mentally.  Understanding that growth is an inside out job, is your first step to sustaining significant change in your life.

You Always Grow When You See The Problem

One of my first challenges in working with business owners is helping them see the problem.  When you don’t see the problem, you’ll never reach for a solution.  This is especially challenging when it’s a blind spot – something that others see about you, that you don’t grasp.  If you can’t see it, you can’t change it!

You Grow Others When You Show Up Healthy

One of the best ways of helping people see their problem is for you to show up healthy in the relationship.  If they are stuck in the drama triangle, don’t follow them there.  If they’re negative, don’t respond negatively.  Be a bigger person and respond positively.

10 Ways To Show Up Healthy

  1. Be emotionally secure
  2. Know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to
  3. Don’t fear others (peers or “big people”)
  4. Show your feelings without fear of rejection
  5. Confirm yourself without destroying another person
  6. Share from your heart
  7. Have a spiritual belief system
  8. Do the best you can and be satisfied with the results
  9. Do not beat yourself up if you’re not perfect
  10. Realize failure is a great learning tool, not a reflection of self-worth

How Else Can You Show Up Healthy? 

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