How to Stay Motivated

I just finished Daniel Pink’s new book, Drive.  It’s the book I wish I would have written.  In addition to Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose (if you don’t understand what I’m talking about, go get the book!) I’d like to weigh in with my 3 techniques I’ve used to motivate myself!

 Change Your Focus

How I focus determines how I feel.  So if I want to change my emotions I’ve got to change my focus.  My outward drive is determined by my inward desire.  To keep that desire burning I must guard my focus!  Focus on what’s going well, not on what’s going wrong.  Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t.  Focus on where you’re going, not where you came from!

Change Your Self-Talk

The most important person I’ve got to listen to is me!  It’s more important what I say about me, than what others say!  This is a technique that takes some practice!  About 5 years ago, I developed a list of personal affirmations that my friend Lance Wallnau encourage me to come up with.  There have been days when I’ve repeated this list to myself over 100 times!  The more you say it, the more you believe it!

Change Your Behavior

There are days, when I can’t seem to get my focus and even though I’ve said my affirmations that I can’t seem to energize myself.  This is when I’ve learned to simply “put on” the behavior of motivated people.  Even though I don’t “feel” like smiling, I smile.  Even though I don’t “feel” like working hard, I work hard.  Make a list of motivated behaviors, and when you hit a spot where focus nor self-talk work, put on those behaviors!  You are in control of your feelings, make them work for you!

What other things do you need to change?

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