Success Is Not Accident

success is not an accidentSuccess Is Not An Accident

This week I pulled out Tommy Newberry’s book Success is Not an Accident.  I have about 10 books that I keep handy in my bookshelf that are go to resources for me.  This is one of those books.  Reviewing information is key to integrating it into your life.  Life change occurs when you apply what you know.  It’s not what I read one-time that has changed me, it’s what I continually read that transforms my life.  What are you continually reading?

Here are some of the highlights I gleaned from this read:

Choose success

Since success is measured at the end of your life, it’s vital that you get clear to what that means to you.  Success for me is when the people that know me the best, love and respect me.  What does success look like for you?

Choose who you want to become

Who you are triggers what you do.  The power to become is the greatest power.  You don’t have to stay the same.  You can change.  Ask yourself, “Who am I?  Why am I here? Where do I want to go?”.  This is your choice.

Choose to write down your goals

Your mind and your written goals are partners in your success.  Your goals are milestones along the way to success.  They help paint the picture of your future so make them as clear and detailed as possible regarding the lifestyle you’d like to enjoy in the future.  Have you written your goals?

Choose to invest your time wisely

Peak performance and procrastination are simply incompatible   Since most disorganization comes from indecision learning to prioritize everything becomes key.  Ask yourself everyday, “What are my top 5 priorities and when I accomplish them?”

What are some other choices you need to make?

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