The Best Way To Simplify Your Life

limitsThe Best Way To Simplify Your Life

Success is about results not activity.  In our fast paced world people seem to be enamored with busyness.  Just ask someone how he or she’s doing and you’ll probably hear the word “busy” mentioned.  Some wear it as a badge of honor.  Part of my reason that I didn’t set traditional goals for 2013 is that I needed more focus.   I know that if I produce the results of fun, health and stability, 2013 will be a success.   What makes a success in 2013 for you?

If you want to accomplish more, do less.

Learning to flesh this principle out this year is catapulting my results.  Because I’m more intentional, I’m doing less, but accomplishing more.  When you realize it’s about accomplishment not busyness, you begin to simplify your life.  Ask yourself everyday, “What’s the main thing I need to accomplish today?”  This is where you begin to focus!

Simplify Your Life By Setting Limits

Most of us lead lives that are filled with too much stuff.  The problem is that time and space are limited.  Learning to say no to the good so that I have room for the great is a skill you have to master.  When you simply things, life becomes easier to manage and less stressful.  When you eliminate the non-essentials you can achieve more.

What Area of Your Life Do You Need To Set Limits In?

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