
What’s The Greatest Investment You Can Make?

Dennis & Lisa McInteeYour Greatest Investment

It’s the day after Christmas and I can honestly say it was a great holiday.  It wasn’t because of the gifts or the food but it was the simple fact of spending time with those that I love without an agenda.  I think sometimes for me it’s hard to simply sit and enjoy other people’s presence without an agenda or some goal to fulfill.  This is true of most leaders, we are so busy trying to accomplish tasks that we rarely sit down to simply enjoy.  I’ve been learning to make the investment in the things that have forever in them – My Relationships!

Life is a Journey not a Destination

I appreciate my wife for always bringing this to my attention.  I can get so goal-focused that I miss the opportunity to smell the roses along the way.  Now is the time, not someday, to pause and enjoy life.  The great things in life are those items that money can’t buy!  I can’t buy my wife loving me or my kids respecting me.  These things come from the heart and it’s those ingredients that make the spice of life.  You can never go wrong when you live life from the heart!  Enjoy the holiday season and give yourself to the relationships that will be with you forever!

What is your strategy for investing in your relationships?

Not Sure Where to Start your Leadership Journey?

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