Who do you need to become in 2015?

becomeBeing vs Doing

The beginning of the year is typically a big goal setting time. We dream about what we want to do and accomplish. We make our plans about what we can achieve. Here’s the problem? Those resolutions rarely stick. They become yet another broken promise we have made to ourselves and before we know it, we’ve given up. Don’t let this be you in 2015.

Who do I need to become this year?

In your goal setting I’ve discovered a better question to ask. Instead of asking, “What do I want to accomplish this year?” Dig deeper and ask, “Who do I need to become this year?” My life took a dramatic shift when I stopped setting Doing Goals and began to focus on Being Goals. Who you become is much more powerful than what you do.

What you do flows from who you are

In January I’m doing goal setting work with most clients. We’re setting revenue goals, personal goals, health goals. We’re setting any kind of goal you can think of. We’re plotting how to make 2015 the best year ever. But we before we set those goals, we first ask ourself, “Who are we going to become in 2015?” If you can become a great person, you will accomplish great things. What you do first flows from who you are!

My Becoming List for 2015

  • Become More Resilient.
    • I want to let things slide off of me this year. At times last year, I took things too personal.
  • Become More Responsive.
    • I want to respond quicker to clients needs and concerns. I was a little too reactive in 2014, but in 2015 I’m going to become more proactive.
  • Become More Efficient.
    • I want to organize my time and calendar so that I’m more efficient. I need to make every moment count to make 2015 the best year ever.
  • Become More Consistent.
    • I let my podcast slide in 2014 and I’m not happy about it. I’m going to establish better habits and focus on the success routines to make 2015 awesome.


What about you? I’m sure you’ve already set your goals but did you ask yourself:

“Who do I need to become in 2015?”

What you accomplish stems from who you become. Go become someone great this year!

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