
GPS Framework

GPS Framework

Become more efficient and effective by understanding people better.

Emotions Wheel

Expand your emotional vocabulary by 72 words to acknowledge and understand your feelings. 

The Frustration Reducer

Frustration Reducer

Learn how to reduce frustration, boost productivity, and lower stress (without feeling out of control, blaming others, or making excuses). Everyone faces frustrations or encounters obstacles. The Frustration Reducer™ transforms those moments of irritation into creative energy, propelling you past obstacles and toward your goals. It’s time to leave the blame game and endless complaining […]

The Stress Converter

Stress Converter

Discover how to turn stress into solutions and concerns into confidence, even if you’re anxious, exhausted, or overwhelmed by your situation. It’s time to ditch fear and overwhelm. You deserve a life with less stress. With The Stress Converter™, you’ll have the tools to re-center, get clear on what you want, and make it happen.

context and content

Did you know that your heart beat vibrations can be felt up to eight feet in front of you? This means that people can feel you before they see you. We are literal walking experiences for those around you. How they experience us determines what they think because it shapes the stories in their mind. […]

The Seven Freedoms

Goal setting takes many shapes and forms, but when it comes to our family, we envision our future according to what we call the Seven F’s of Freedom.

Not Sure Where to Start your Leadership Journey?

Emotionally Intelligent is our number one selling digital course. Discover new strategies to stay calm under pressure, communicate better, and live with joy.