Don’t Be A Victim

“I will not play the victim”… The reality is we have choices. Victims believe they have choice poverty. In this video.. Dennis explains how we are choice abundant.
Are you using your MBA?

Management By Asking.. Dennis McIntee explains how the process flow of asking questions can improve your team and produce the results you’re wanting.
People Buy Your Why Before They Buy Your How

Every leader has a “why”.. Dennis discusses the importance of sharing your reasons with your team and some techniques for making it happen.
The Culture You Create Generates the Results You Produce

Without the right culture your plan just won’t work. In this video Dennis discusses the importance of the culture we create.
Don’t should on me!

Expectations and reality create a gap that causes drama. Dennis explains how to close the gap between what should and shouldn’t be.
S.O.S. Change Management

When living things grow, they change. The S.O.S. method can help change your culture and get the results you want. This video explains how the S.O.S. method can help you.
The Hidden Secret of Leadership

The hidden secret to leadership comes down to trust. Most leadership challenges begin with a breach of trust. In this video Dennis discusses the 2 legs of trust in leadership and what it takes to become the leader you were meant to be.
Performance Coaching
In the heat of the moment, you just need results. In this video Dennis talks about the 3 W performance questions to help enhance your team.
The Rubber Band Theory
In order to stretch more as a leader, you need to learn to pull back. Dennis talks about the value of taking a break in order to do more.
TSP (Truthful, Specific, Positive)
Feedback and appreciation are crucial when building teams. Dennis gives you some helpful tools and insight into making sure your team fells appreciated.
The Golden Rule in Leadership
There is gold inside of every person. As a leader it’s your job to discover that gold. You will always find what you are focused on. In this video Dennis discusses the golden rule of leadership.
Potential is a like a drug that sometimes clouds a leader’s vision.. In this teaching, Dennis explores the pitfalls of this idea.