The Triple A Advantage

Leaders need to be givers.. Awareness, alignment and accountability are crucial for productivity and results. Find out how you can give your team what they need to succeed.


Accountability should be handled from the bottom up. Dennis gives insights into helping team members by creating an environment that promotes accountability.  

Reason and Result

Meetings can be unproductive and seem like a waste of time. When we apply reason and result, the outcome can give us the productivity we are looking for.


Leaders need to ask the right questions.. instead of asking why, we should be focused on what and how…  

(GPS) Goals, Passion and Struggles

Everyone has their own set of motives. Once you’ve discovered their goals, passions and struggles (GPS)… then you can help give direction in order to achieve the desired outcome and results.  

Let’s Talk About Motivation

  Motivation comes from motive. Watch this video to learn new techniques to get your team moving in the right direction.

How To Stay Out Of The Fog Of Drama

“Dennis, as a leader one of the greatest battles I fight every day, is the fight for clarity.”  This is one of the most insightful comments I heard this week.  It’s easy in our organizations to get sidetracked or derailed.  There are a myriad of issues that pop up on a minute by minute basis […]

What’s Needed To Stop The Drama?

Be prepared and stop the drama “This is the most prepared we are have ever been moving into a new year”, Mike shared with me.  It was a different story 5 years ago.  When I first started working with this service based business, there was no planning process.  It was chaotic and stressful.  I could […]

How To Tap Into People’s Motivation

Emotion Drives Motion People bring the whole person to work. If an employee has personal problems, they will have business problems. Tapping into an employee’s intrinsic motivator requires understanding their GPS. G = Goals.  What outcomes do they want to achieve? P = Passions.  What do they love? S = Struggles.  What constraints are holding […]

How To Eliminate Drama From Your Team

What’s stopping your team? As a leader one of your main assignments is to facilitate work.  It’s not to do it all yourself.  The best leaders get great results through others by engaging their team in the mission.  Inevitably you’ll face this one challenge – Drama.  It’s the key roadblock that is stopping your team. […]

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GPS Framework

Become more efficient and effective by understanding people better.
Free assessment tool

GPS Framework

Become more efficient and effective by understanding people better.