
Overwhelm is Just a FeelingOver

Recently, I was giving a keynote address at a conference talking about the topic of overwhelm. This is one of our favorite discussion points with our audiences because it tends to stir up a bit of controversy–-and the fact that emotion arises when it comes up means we are getting to the good stuff.

Retention: do you know what it takes?

Employee Retention Strategy

The topic of employee retention in a tight labor market has perhaps never been more important than it has been over the past two years. Since the COVID-19 pandemic shook up the global economy with every kind of disruption it could muster, the long term impact on the labor market in the United States has […]

The Best Leaders Tell Themselves the Best Stories

For the 50th episode of our Drama Free Living podcast, we returned to a topic we frequently cover when it comes to all things leadership. And that is the topic of the power of the stories we tell ourselves. When we last wrote on the subject on the blog, we talked about it from the […]

Mastering the art of Delegation

Recently on the Drama Free Living podcast, our COO and Executive Coach Nancy Benavides joined us to discuss her years of experience mastering the art of delegation. Nancy’s career has spanned North America, including a stint as operations liaison for McDonald’s of Colombia–the country, that is. After her “corporate” career, Nancy shifted gears into what […]

Four Ways to Control the Need to Be Liked

Plants in unique shapes and sizes

One of a leader’s biggest pitfalls is succumbing to the need to be liked. If you are so focused on approval from others, you will never be able to make decisions that are best for your team. There are two elements that affect this need to be liked: recognizing your own weaknesses that make you […]

Four Tactics for Setting Attainable Goals this Year

The weeks in January and early February are crucial for many industries when it comes to planning out the year. At Leadership Development Group, we are no different with our annual strategy planning session taking place next week.  If you read our blog regularly, you know we advocate against strict resolutions at the turn of […]

The currency of ambition

tend to have. Ambition is one of those things, like money, that can be seen as good or bad depending on how you use it. When it is good, it feeds your drive and actions in a positive way. When it is bad, it can lead to selfish decisions, greed, and your own frustrations with your team for not moving at your elevated pace. 

5 Steps to Build Trust

Over the years, there’s one thing that I’m learning over and over about leadership- it’s a relational game. Leadership is proven by followership.  Think about it. No one wants to follow someone that’s unorganized.  Nobody is trying to become like the guy who never gets things done or can’t show up on time.  People don’t […]

Failure Isn’t An Option

The best leaders are those that realize failure isn’t an option.   I’ve got your attention, don’t I?  Here’s what I mean. The best leaders are the ones that don’t take themselves too seriously.  They understand that life is a cycle of research and development.  They commit to the idea that they can win or […]

The Power in Asking

When someone brings you a problem and asks what to do, what’s your typical response?  Don’t overthink it.  Do you discuss the issue with them?  Ask them more questions about their problem and try to get them to a resolution? That’s very noble and no doubt motivated by a good heart, but what if you […]

Leadership 101

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Don’t wait for mistakes to shape your management style—get intentional and learn how to lead with the confidence and clarity that your team needs.