How To Be A Problem Solver
Big People Solve Big Problems How do you look at problems? Some see a problem, become paralyzed and don’t move forward. Others see a problem, recognize it as an opportunity and create a solution. It can be the same problem but different people respond differently. This is why I ned to become a bigger person. […]
Two Myths About Change
Pay The Price Change is a word that most people don’t like to hear. It’s not that people don’t want things to change, they don’t want to change! We want change without the pain of personal adjustment. I think we all want improvement. Who goes to the store to buy an old refrigerator? No one! When […]
Discover Your Power Questions
Ask a different question to get a different result. If you want a different result, you have to ask a different question. Learning how to ask myself good questions controls my attitude. Whenever I ask myself a bad question, I always get a negative outcome. The wrong question produces the wrong attitude This morning I […]
Zig Ziglar
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals
Why I’m Not Setting Traditional Goals in 2013
Why I’m Not Setting Goals in 2013 I’m trying something different this year. Typically in January I create a list of goals that I want to accomplish but because of lack of focus or maybe my high need for change and variety, they will usually fall away sometime in February. Does this happen to you? […]
How To Put Your Strengths To Work
Learn More To Earn More I’ve made it a study to discover what are the Thinking Style of Super Achievers because the first step in doing what successful people do, is to think how they think. One success habit I see is successful people consume information. They go to the experts in order to learn more, […]
Zig Ziglar
You will get all you want in life, if you help enough people get what they want
How to Increase Commitment
3 Commitments I’m Making To Myself in 2013 Nothing changes until you make it a must. There are thousands of things I can do, hundreds of things I should do, but really only a few things I must do. Here are my 3 musts for this year that are helping me change! I Must Commit […]
Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching! -Satchel Paige
How to Love Your Job
Loving Your Job Driving to the airport on Monday morning I was listening to an audiobook by Zig Ziglar. It was a great motivational way to start the morning! When you get a good start to the day it’s amazing how well the rest of your day tends to go. This is Why Focus is […]
Always be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let each new year find you a better man. -Benjamin Franklin As you set your goals for this year, focus not just on achievement goals, but on being goals too. As you continue to grow and develop I hope this coming […]
Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work! Thomas Edison