Questions To Ask In An Organizational Climate Survey

Feedback is one of the great Organizational Challenges Giving feedback can be a challenge.  Because of how many people were raised, the truth was taboo.  They lived with sacred cows and white elephants.  Maybe this describes your home life.  The good news is giving and receiving feedback is a learnable skill. Feedback Creates a Basline […]

How Time Blocking Increases Productivity

When You Don’t Have Clarity, You’re Out of Control Last week I worked from my home office and to be completely transparent, I felt totally out of control.  I can typically feel this way when I travel and there are good reasons, Lack of rhythm, different surroundings, etc… But there wasn’t a good reason why I […]

How You Can Beat Procrastination

What Stops You From Succeeding? I think this is something that plagues all of us.  Because of procrastination plans go astray, dreams go unfulfilled and time is wasted.   One of my biggest challenges is putting things off until the last moment.  There are things that are unpleasant for me that I simply must do!  How […]

How You Can Avoid Personal Failure

Business Problems are Personal Problems After 25 years of working with organizations I’ve realized, I’ve never helped solved a business problem that didn’t have a personal problem at it’s root. Hidden inside of any business problem is a personal constraint. If you can remove the constraint, that problem usually solves itself. Understanding this principle, helps […]

Why I Listen to Podcasts

What Fills Your Mind? A couple of months ago I discovered a new app on IPhone – Sticher Radio. It’s a great app for listening to podcasts.  Since I’ve discovered the tool I’m not listening to the radio, I’m filling my mind with helpful information instead of getting the scores to Red Sox last night. […]

1 Way To Take Ideas to Action

From Ideas to Action I’ve become a fan of the Chris Brogan 3 Book Diet.  Even though he’s not following through with it, I’m taking some of his advice!  I’m going to work on implementing what I’m reading.  Information is not my problem, but it’s taking action.  Do you have the same issue? Instead of […]

4 Steps To Achieving Your Goals

When you get better, everything gets better! This video was recorded at my home gym, Performance QSA.  Success in life is not easy but the process is quite simple.  I’ve gotten stuck in areas of my life when I believed the project I was focusing on was complex.  Have you ever been there?  You believe […]

How to Develop a Daily Routine

The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routine One of the greatest thrills of my is my travel schedule.  I love being in new places meeting new people, but it’s also one of my greatest challenges.  Do you have the same dichotomy in some arena of your life?  Do you have something […]

Why I’m Not Setting Traditional Goals in 2013

Why I’m Not Setting Goals in 2013 I’m trying something different this year.  Typically in January I create a list of goals that I want to accomplish but because of lack of focus or maybe my high need for change and variety, they will usually fall away sometime in February.  Does this happen to you? […]

How to Create a Perfect Life

Hope Is Not a Strategy Every person I’ve ever coached or even talked with has told me they really want a perfect life.  I mean, who wouldn’t?  The reality is, it rarely happens for people.  Most live on hope.  They hope or wish things would change.  Hope’s not a strategy.  For you to change anything […]

Why I Need Coaching

Why I Need a Coach This past week I was glad to get back in the gym. Since New Years, I’ve been sidelined with a knee injury from a sliding adventure in Iowa over the holidays.  I’ve realized I’m not as young as I once was, because it’s taken me longer than usual to recover. […]

4 Quick Steps To Achievement

1.  Decide WHAT you truely want 2.  Determine WHO has already done it 3.  Discover what specific actions they DID 4.  DO what they’ve done Action is what separates winners from losers!

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GPS Framework

Become more efficient and effective by understanding people better.