How to Change in Order to Grow
One of the fundamental rules in problem solving is that you rarely come up with a solution until you understand the cause. Whenever I’m working with people I try to get to the root before I change the fruit. There is a reason why and discovering it, is half the battle! After decades of working […]
Why do you need to grow?
Define the Price of Growth I spent today in Pennsylvania with New Castle Lawn and Landscape and I was asked the question, “Why do I have to grow?” People normally discover that even though they say they want to grow, they don’t understand the price they have to pay to grow. There is no growth without change […]
How To Manage Your Energy
This weekend I re-read The Power of Full Engagement. Go buy it! Here are a couple of quick ideas that I gleaned from the book: Managing time is no guarantee we will bring sufficient energy to what we’re doing. Time is simply the opportunity to spend energy! The key question is: How much energy do we invest […]
Creating New Questions Can Change You!
Who Do You Spend Time With? I spent last week in Boston with a bunch of international change agents from Living Word Missions! We’ve been a part of this family for the last 17 years and every time I get around them I am challenged to give and do more! Your growth and development is always […]
What You Can Do To Stay on Schedule
Time is Your Most Precious Commodity Time equals Life! Every day is a gift, so I’m always trying to maximize my time. If I can maximize my time, I’ll maximize my life! It’s the ability to organize that’s the key skill to staying on schedule and making the most of your time! The challenge is […]
A Quick Guide to Solving Problems
We are all Paid to Solve Problems In life we are all paid to solve problems. In fact, your compensation is directly related to the problem you solve. This is simple math, if you want better compensation, solve more complex problems! In fact, without problems we would never reach our full potential. It’s the challenges […]
Do you have the courage to address your constraints?
What are Your Limiting Behaviors? Real success demands more than just talent and ability. Most of the time people have plenty of talent, but they let their attitudes or behaviors get in the way of using those gifts. These constraints (behaviors) only limit us, when we ignore them.