
Failure Isn’t An Option

The best leaders are those that realize failure isn’t an option.   I’ve got your attention, don’t I?  Here’s what I mean. The best leaders are the ones that don’t take themselves too seriously.  They understand that life is a cycle of research and development.  They commit to the idea that they can win or […]

The Power in Asking

When someone brings you a problem and asks what to do, what’s your typical response?  Don’t overthink it.  Do you discuss the issue with them?  Ask them more questions about their problem and try to get them to a resolution? That’s very noble and no doubt motivated by a good heart, but what if you […]

Why Refusing to Rescue Your Team Might Actually Save Them

What if I told you that failure might be the very best thing to happen to your team? It’s a funny thing, but we tend to learn more from failure than we do success.  But what happens if our teams don’t have room to fail because we keep saving them?  It communicates to them that […]

2 Mindsets to Create Productivity

Productivity tools are awesome.  There’s always something new, and they’re so helpful.  I’m a fan. And I’m always going to use them, but I’ve found that creating mindsets is what’s most important.  Once you have the mindset, the methods will follow. But how do you establish the mindset?  By growing your confidence and fostering creativity. […]

How to be Healthy in Every Area in 2019

The beginning of a new year is a natural time for reflection.  We all tend to look back at the previous year to help guide where we want to go – and not go – in the new year.  We all want to get better from year-to-year and become happier, healthier versions of ourselves. That’s […]

Questions to Remove Your Mental Lid

I did it again and signed up for another half-marathon.  Crazy, right? Sometimes I think so. However, I’ve become a bit obsessed with what’s actually possible for me.  I’ve started to wonder, “How far can I really go?” “What else is possible for me?” Now my wife and I are actually talking about running a […]

What Does Drama-Free Living Mean to Me?

“So what does Drama-Free living even mean to you?”  This question came from a team member that had been with me for almost a year.  It took me by surprise. I thought I had shared my heart and assumed he knew. And then the lightbulb went off.  If it wasn’t clear to him, how could […]

The Ability To Lead Yourself

If you can master yourself.. you can master anything else. Dennis discusses the importance of learning to lead yourself.

G2 Focusing System

In this leadership moment Dennis explains how “gratitude” and “giving” can help your creativity and productivity.

Don’t Be A Victim

  “I will not play the victim”… The reality is we have choices. Victims believe they have choice poverty. In this video.. Dennis explains how we are choice abundant.

Are you using your MBA?

Management By Asking.. Dennis McIntee explains how the process flow of asking questions can improve your team and produce the results you’re wanting.

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