
Why Slowing Down is Important

Yesterday I listend to Tim Ferris’ book 4 Hour Work Week and came across this poem by David Weatherford.  It’s Labor Day Weekend…slow down and enjoy! Slow Down Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?  Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?  Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?  Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?  You better […]

How to change what you think about exercise

What do you believe? I just returned from a week of working with clients in Maryland and Pennsylvania and as I’m flying home I realized I was able to exercise 4 out of the 5 days.  Maybe for some of you that’s not a big deal but for me it’s signified a total lifestyle change. […]

Why Focus is Important

A Story that can Change your Life When the Alaskan Pipeline was being built, there were many Texans who went to Alaska and found work on the pipeline. The Texans could only work a few hours in the frigid weather, yet the Eskimos, the native Alaskans, could work indefinitely in the cold. They decided to […]

How to Take Your Passion to the Next Level

Your Passion Creates Your Destination Passion is so powerful because it’s intrinsic.  Many times when leaders try to motivate people they do it extrinsically, “more money” is the classic example.  The problem is, this hardly every works.  Try connecting with your why and the how-to will appear.  Your why is attached to your passion, It’s […]

How to get better so your business gets better

When You Get Better, Your Business Gets Better Last month I was a part of Michael Allosso’s workshop, “You on Your Best Day”.  If you ever get the opportunity, don’t miss the chance to be in one of his trainings!  A large portion of the day was devoted to working on your personal presentation skills. […]

Incorporating the 3 Vital Concepts of Top Performing Organizations

I wanted to give everyone a preview of my new webinar series, “Strategy Execution”.  In researching high-performance organizations I’ve found 3 attributes: Top Performance Organizations are Learning Learning is the pathway to continual mastery in any endeavor.  It’s only through learning that we continually re-create ourselves.  A learning organization is one that continually expands it’s […]

How to Change in Order to Grow

One of the fundamental rules in problem solving is that you rarely come up with a solution until you understand the cause.  Whenever I’m working with people I try to get to the root before I change the fruit.  There is a reason why and discovering it, is half the battle!  After decades of working […]

How You Can Use Clarity to Get What You Want

I’m preparing this week to facilitate a workshop at Restoration Church in Spartanburg, SC.  I’ve done hundreds of these learning events across the country and I’m jazzed to be able to host one in my own backyard! How to Get Clarity One of the great takeaways from this training is always the unique Passion Process.  Many people […]

How to Stay Motivated

I just finished Daniel Pink’s new book, Drive.  It’s the book I wish I would have written.  In addition to Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose (if you don’t understand what I’m talking about, go get the book!) I’d like to weigh in with my 3 techniques I’ve used to motivate myself!  Change Your Focus How I focus […]


In our research on leadership, we’ve discovered that the great leaders have the sensory acuity to self coach themselves.

Get High Performance by Developing these 3 Behaviors

In studying high performance organizations and people I’ve discovered that our behaviors are driving our performance and our performance is what creates our results. So the results I am achieving are driven by behaviors. Here are 3 behaviors to incorporate into your life today!

Discovering the Hidden Key to Motivation

Do you know your Why? Great achievers know WHY they are here!  I’m convinced you have the know the WHY before you know the what.  Hidden inside of your WHY is the secret to passion and energy.  WHY are you doing what you’re doing? Motivation is a by-product of a clear WHY.  If you’re lacking […]

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